What about the Prices?
We put a lot of work into sourcing a unique selection of authentic Vintage Clothing from the 90s and early 2000s that you'll hardly find anywhere else in Europe. Every item is handpicked by us and requires a decent amount of time and care, before it goes online on our Shop. Washing, Grading, Taking Pictures and Uploading are all part of an extensive process an items goes through to give you the best Shopping Experience possible. We appreciate everyone who understands how much of an effort it is, to run an Onlineshop with single pieces only and that our unique selection holds special value to us and many others.
Unlike today's Fashion, clothes from the 90s were made to last and often have way better Quality. That's why you'll find a lot of "Made in USA", heavy cotton fabrics and high quality materials among our products. Every item is unique and has it's story. Whether it's the licensed print, the heavy embroidery or that perfect fade modern fashion brands desperately trying to recreate. For us it simply doesn't make sense that an item is supposed to be less valuable just because it has been worn before, while it's actually way more special than anything new. And we didn't even start talking about Sustainability.